诚信、快捷、安全、准确 客户无需提供化验证明,我们均可安全快捷出口送达全球。根据您的不同需要,我们都能提供最适合最优质的服务并为给您节省更多! 主营粉末国际快递和国际空运,及液体国际快递和国际空运到欧洲、地中 海、中东、东南亚和美国航线的出口和全球和全程进口为主要业务,是HKEMS DHL FEDEX T-NT ARAMEX等国际快递公司代理,在国内及海外有完善的运输网络,能为客户提供全方位的服务。
我们的海外代理机构遍布全球,服务范围覆盖欧洲、北美及中南美洲、东南亚、澳洲、非洲、中东等地区,甚至在非洲大部分的国家,我们也可以提供运费到付及门到门的贴心服务,让客人可以专注于自己的核心业务。Our company have established a long-term good cooperation with a number of large professional trailer team to provide customers with fast, secure trailer services to help customers quickly and on time delivery of goods.
--- Provide door to port, port to port, port to door domestic and foreign trade import and export shipping trailers and other services;
---Provide Mainland - Hong Kong bulk ton truck, container transportation services;;
---Providing Shenzhen, Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta region to Hunan and other mainland door to door, import and export containers, trailers and domestic rail transport services.