诚信、快捷、安全、准确 客户无需提供化验证明,我们均可安全快捷出口送达全球。根据您的不同需要,我们都能提供最适合最优质的服务并为给您节省更多! 主营粉末国际快递和国际空运,及液体国际快递和国际空运到欧洲、地中 海、中东、东南亚和美国航线的出口和全球和全程进口为主要业务,是HKEMS DHL FEDEX T-NT ARAMEX等国际快递公司代理,在国内及海外有完善的运输网络,能为客户提供全方位的服务。
Lanchen and Lufthansa, All Nippon Airways, Air China, China Eastern Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Korean Air, Dragonair, Hong Kong Airlines, Emirates Airlines, Air Canada and dozens of the world's major airlines contracted use around airports have customs supervision warehouses and customs control vehicles, confederation Group provides customers with comprehensive and efficient air freight transportation, customs inspection, delivery, shipping, customs and traditions of the airport transfer air and sea transport routes and services, which are brought to Hong Kong throughout the world, and become more global logistics provider in China's import and export air cargo area and customs clearance agent.
Lanchen in 2005 to implement a comprehensive air freight information management solutions, office automation and seamless integration of business data, strengthening the monitoring of operational processes of the goods; powerful database management, and convenient computer query system for fast, efficient customs clearance and cargo transit to provide a guarantee.公司凭借人才优势以及稳定的中越物流网络、现代化的装运设备、多样化的运输方式、以客户满意为目标的差异化物流产品设计,开展国际货运代理业务及相关物流服务,竭诚为客户服务,相信我们完善的管理与周到的服务能让客户满意、放心。达磊锜物流致力于加强公司的基础建设,大力推行工作流程的标准化,在提高设备和系统的科技含量的同时,还苦练内功,不断提升员工的业务技能和素质。我们的使命:让国际货运代理没有顾虑!我们的价值观:诚信、效率、团结、感恩。