诚信、快捷、安全、准确 客户无需提供化验证明,我们均可安全快捷出口送达全球。根据您的不同需要,我们都能提供最适合最优质的服务并为给您节省更多! 主营粉末国际快递和国际空运,及液体国际快递和国际空运到欧洲、地中 海、中东、东南亚和美国航线的出口和全球和全程进口为主要业务,是HKEMS DHL FEDEX T-NT ARAMEX等国际快递公司代理,在国内及海外有完善的运输网络,能为客户提供全方位的服务。
We provide import and export customs declarations, cargo inspection, insurance,FORM-A, C/O, fumigation and special goods customs clearance service.
Provide customs supervised warehousing, bonded warehouse etc.海外代理网络遍布中东、印巴、欧洲、地中海、美洲、东南亚、澳新、非洲地区,超过100多个国家。我们拥有300多家稳定可靠的代理合作商,在国内外有着丰富和优越的清关资源。其中不乏清关难度极大的俄罗斯、东欧、中亚、埃及、巴拿马、摩洛哥、尼日利亚、孟加拉、巴西、阿根廷等国家和地区。
同时我们擅长多种货物运输模式,确保我们能满足不同客户的各种个性化要求,为客户提供全方位的专业展会物流服务。 Second, the characteristics of services :
A professional road hazardous chemicals distribution,
For the large enterprises to provide logistics support services. With expertise skilled driver and guards , all vehicles to install GPS global satellite positioning system, the whole process of transportation of goods monitoring , coupled Alliance fleet can be deployed fleet of more than 100 vehicles. Years for the LG Yongxing , Mitsubishi Chemical , Yantai Wanhua , Newbridge chemical, Aksu and other large chemical companies to provide logistics and distribution services for LG company established a Southern Region ABS plastic particle distribution center for Yantai Wanhua national transport and distribution provides a new program , the business scope covers the north to Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, most of the domestic provinces in the south , has a very mature management experience .
2, professional inland shipping agency services
Long for the LG Yongxing , Yantai Wanhua , Newbridge Chemical and Taizhou Zhongtian Plastic industry inland shipping agency services , and is responsible for the destination port field -to-door delivery . Yingkou cover domestic routes to the north , south sea. With Ningbo Port Terminal and the valley , Yangpu , workability , Sinotrans and other domestic shipping companies have good relations of cooperation . And with the local logistics and transport companies to cooperate effectively , thereby effectively extending their services to the end customer segments and effectively provide customers with door to door service.
Third, other services :
1 , container leasing services ( including general , freezers , TANK cabinet )
2 , the entire ship transportation services ( you can arrange cargo storage,
Miscellaneous services such as Hong Kong outside the grounds and chartering , customs clearance and other services )
3 , rail transport services ( including domestic rail transport,
Russian railway transportation routes , etc. )
4 , air freight services ( including international and domestic cargo booking , customs clearance , etc. )
Four , covering routes :
Southeast Asia / Korea / Australia-New Zealand : Thailand, Malaysia , the Philippines , Sri Lanka, Vietnam , Bangladesh, Singapore, Hong Kong , Taiwan, Japan , Korea, Australia, New Zealand , etc.
Middle East / India / Red Sea : India, Dubai , Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran , etc.
Europe: Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Britain, France, Poland , Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Hungary, Russia, Croatia, Slovenia , Slovakia , etc.
Mediterranean : Turkey, Egypt , Greece, Italy , Portugal, Spain , etc.
Black Sea : Ukraine , Romania , etc.
South America / Canada : Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay , Chile, Peru , Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia, Panama , Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico , USA, Canada, South Africa, South Africa , etc.
The agency may provide services : Import and Export cargo FCL inquiry, cargo transportation, customs clearance, warehousing , etc.